List of indentures and warrants relating to coinage made under Henry VII, Henry VIII, Edward VI and Elizabeth

Normalised TextCatalogue Entry

1 Henr 7 Ind Betweene the Kings + Giles Ld Dawbeney + Barth Rede Mr Worker
8 Henr 7 Ind Betweene his Majesty and Ino Sha + Barth Rede Mr Workers
21 Henr 7 Robt Feurothe + Wm. Rede Mr Workers
1° Henr 8 Ind Betweene his Majesty + Wm Blount Ld Mountjoy
4° Edr 6ti A Comis to Peckham + Yorke to Coyne Gold
and direct other Comis concerning the Coinage
Seuall proclamaions concering the Coyne
19 Eliz A Warrant to Coyne Gold + to proceed in the Coynadge
25 Eliz Ind int Martyn + the Queene
35 Ind for Coyneing Gold
43 Eliz Ind betweene Sr Richard Martyn + his Sonne + her Majesty.