Accounts of public income and expenditure for 1687

Normalised TextCatalogue Entry


Accompt of ye Revenue of ye Crown for ye 1687.

Customes 588974.4.334
New imposition on French linnen silk & Brandy 148351.1.712
The new additional duty on wine & vinegre 184678.6.414
Additional duty on Tobaco & sugar 172443.10.534
Excise 632937.5.9
Harth money 238352.13.1114
Letter money 66375.16.3
First fruits in money & Tallies of pro 5090.0.0
Tenths in ye like 11973.0.812
Small branches (viz) coynage 4 & 12 per cent. Revenue of ye duty of Cornwall, wine licenses, Kings Bench Fines, Sheriffs, profers &c } 68773.11.10
The Kings Dividend in the African company 650.0.0
Barbadoes Revenue 450.0.0

Accompt of ye expenses of ye crown for ye year 1687

To ye Navy 475508.1.614
Ordinance 101904.11.212
Army & Guards (near 1900 Officers & soldiers) 605610.10.1.
Treasurer of ye Chamber 30049.8.1
Houshold-Cofferer 76118.6.632
Great Wardrobe 18217.19.1012
Robes 2500.0.0
Works at Whitehall & Windsor 19674.18.9
Stables, besides ye establishment of ye house 144336.19.114
Forreign Ministers 23854.4.0
Fees & Salaries 59395.10.1034
Pensions & Annuities 16{illeg}67677.15.934
Band of Pensioners 6000.0.0
Bounties in gross summs 14996.4.1012
Mr Guy & al for secret services 114355.13.6
Privy Purs & healing medals 29300.0.0
Mint 17887.10.0
Iewels & Plate {illeg}1000.0.0
Contingences not reducible to Heads 27177.15.1034

Account of the revenue & expences of the crown for the year 1687.