Application for a licence to supply the Mint with copper, with details of how best to organise the work if this is granted

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Derby ye 30th: Decbr 1707

Sr If my proposall for Supplying with Copper be the most reasonable And if my Lord shold {sic} accept thereof, then I am to beg a favor of you as viz

That in considderration of the trouble and charg I may be att in vending hyring a servant and house for that business I will give you foure pounds ꝑ ton to take that part from my hands

Youre moniers being many can doe that busines if you thinke itt convenient

On the 11th: Ianry I designe to be at Loer {sic} Redbrooke neare Monmouth and stay there till ye {illeg} 7th: Febry then returne to London

If any new matter arises in this busines during my absence I shall esteeme itt as an honor done mee if you will please to advise

Sr Yr Most Fathfull {sic} Servtt,

Tho: Chambers