Notes on the proportion of coins of various reigns found in a sample of £101

Normalised TextCatalogue Entry


Five shillings of Iacob 1{illeg} wanted 17{illeg}gr. 24gr, 34gr, 30gr, 27gr, so that a shilling weares a grain in about 18 years.

Q E{illeg}liz Shillings 24, 238, 33

q. Eliz sixpences 60, 72.

Elizabeth shillings 618s Eliz shil. to sixp. {illeg}in {illeg}number as 11 to 12 in {illeg}total value or weight as 6 to 11.
Iacobus I shillings 612 Car. I shil to sixp in number 12 to 1
Carolus I shillings 4.6 Iac. I shil. to sixp. {illeg}in number 9 to 1
Calrolus II shillings 13.12 Eliz. Iacob. 1, Car. I shillings in number as 7. 423 1312. 34 35 ∷ 32. 2. 6534. 14 ∷ 12. 8. 23. 1
Edw. VI shillings 0.78 Eliz. Iac I. Car I. Car II sixpences ∷ 15. 1. 145. 0.
Phil & {illeg}Mar. S{illeg}hillin{illeg}gs 0.5 Iac I. Car 1{illeg}. Car II 12 crowns as 1. 1614. 1.
Edw IV in s{illeg}ixpences 0.2 Total 12 Cr. shil. 6 pences ∷ 918. 26120. 413206{illeg}6{illeg} {illeg} 2. 523. 1.
Eliz. in sixpences 3.15
Iacob. I in sixpences 0.5
Car I in sixpences 0.11
Iac I in half crowns 0.10s
Carol I in half crowns {illeg}8.{illeg}2.6d