MINT00015: Treasury certificate that Newton has taken an oath not to reveal the new method of rounding and edging coin

MINT00964: Treasury referral of MINT00963

MINT00971: Treasury referral of MINT00970

MINT00988: Treasury referral of the petition of Richard Barrow

MINT01005: Treasury referral of the memorial of John Applebee and Henry Hines

MINT01010: Treasury referral of Lauderdale's memorial concerning Mint funds

MINT01023: Copy of note concerning the referral of the petition of Richard Barrow for expenses for prosecuting clippers and coiners

MINT01027: Copy of note requesting a draft of an indenture for the Mint at Edinburgh

MINT01029: Copy of note concerning the petition of the Pewterers of London

MINT01030: Copy of letter to Newton and Sir Lambert Blackwell requesting an opinion regarding money to be lent by the Genoese

MINT01034: Copy of note about Mr Williams relating to selling her Majesty's tin

MINT01038: Copy of note referring a comparison of the coins of France and Holland with those of England

MINT01039: Copy of note concerning petitions to succeed Brattle as assay master, and supply of copper to the works at Great Marlow

MINT01040: Copy of note concerning the weight of 100 pounds of money according to the indenture of the Mint

MINT01041: Copy of note concerning raising the price of Cornish tin

MINT01045: Copy of note requesting an account of the various locations of her Majesty's tin

MINT01046: Copy of note accompanying a forwarded letter from Mr Bertie concerning the coinage of copper half-pence and farthings

MINT01047: Copy of note accompanying a proposal of James Maculla for disposing of block tin in Ireland

MINT01048: Copy of note to the Officers of the Mint referring representations from various Bristolians concerning fraud impacting the revenue arising from tin

MINT01049: Copy of note to the agents for tin in Cornwall referring representations from various Bristolians concerning fraud impacting the revenue arising from tin