MINT00344: Holograph 'Notes out of [Jean] Boizard's Traite des Monoyes' ['Treatise on Coin' (1692, second edition 1714), both editions of which Newton owned: see H237-8] on French Mint practice (the notes are in English)

MINT00524: Holograph copy of MINT00523 (Mint 19/2/295)

MINT00810: Draft report: 'An accompt of what belongs to the Warden of his Mties Mint within the Tower of London', listing the buildings regarded as the warden's property and those that used to be regarded as such

MINT00811: Certificate exempting Christopher Priddeth, by virtue of his position as Mint clerk, from civic duties and taxation

MINT00837: 'The Original & History of the Wardens prosecuting Clippers & Coyners'

MINT00839: Holograph draft memorandum [clearly related to MINT00838 (Mint 19/1/433-4) but completely different in wording] asserting the Mint's right to coiners' forfeited goods over claims by the bailiffs and sheriffs of Westminster

MINT00840: Holograph accounts of three successful trials of counterfeiters, adduced as precedents to show that such crimes could be prosecuted long after they were committed, and could be accounted high treason

MINT00888: Holograph list of discrepancies between Mint and Exchequer weights

MINT00889: Holograph draft of MINT00888 (Mint 19/1/130)

MINT00890: Holograph notes on the output and costs of various individual operations (e.g. pressing, stamping, milling) at the Mint

MINT01105: Copy of appointment of Newton as Warden of the Mint under William III (in Latin)

MINT01937: Notes on the proportion of coins of various reigns found in a sample of £101

MINT00816: Report on wardens since 1672 with commendation of Newton as the first not to treat the post as a sinecure

MINT00015: Treasury certificate that Newton has taken an oath not to reveal the new method of rounding and edging coin

MINT00921: "Dr Newton's Oath as Warden of the Mint"

MINT00922: "Memoriall about Mint Money"

MINT00108: 'The Acct of ye Tooles delivered to ye Tower May: ye: 25: 1696'

MINT00926: Letter concerning various possessions seized from counterfeiters in Norfolk

MINT00016: 'The State of the Mint'

MINT00923: Mint presentment concerning the provision of instruments and officers for the five Country Mints
